Tuesday, March 29, 2011


When Dave and I agreed that it was time to depart the road most traveled here in south central Texas, we were stunned at the depth of the deception at work here.  How can seemingly intelligent Christians not be even the slightest bit curious as to why the Scripture they are hearing, is close to, but in no way correct in the context it is being preached?  Or is the sad truth that we have become “silly heads” so consumed with our everyday lives here on this very temporary Earth, that we entrust our very souls and spirits, our most precious cargo for eternity, to anyone who calls him or herself an Apostle or Prophet or Pastor?  Who has educated them?  And what does that esteemed body who taught them, teach or believe?  And is what these people preach truth and line up with scripture?  It amazes me that we are all so “green” lately.  Doing what is good for the “planet”.  We have gone through the myriad of horror stories of what will happen to us if we eat certain foods, drink certain water, and what we drink it from.  And how we stock up with the latest vitamins, creams, lotions, potions and pills and drinks and exotic fruits to keep these dying slabs of meat we live in temporarily while here on this earth, in good health!  Oh, and let’s not forget the mountains, oh pardon me, pyramids of money to be made at the same time.  I am all for taking care of the temple of the Holy Spirit, however, I have never heard even one moment of concern for this precious cargo when attending a “Newly discovered miracle berry!” seminar.  It is all for and strictly of the flesh and of the wallet.  And yet when it comes to where we pray and tithe and worship, and are spiritually fed, we are totally trusting!!  The price for getting this wrong is far more reaching in scale and in severity than the choice of a berry!  Remember our dear Jesus’ words,   
Matthew 7:22-23 (KJV)
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Imagine standing before Him with your mouth full of scripture you know nothing about and a bottle of your church’s exotic health juice under your arm and hearing those words from Him.  The terror that fills my soul at the thought of that makes me move on quickly.

I know some people that can recite scripture on demand.  I know people that do it when not on demand and in fact will do it every time you open your mouth as a means to chastise you for your comment during a casual conversation.  And yet, they show their ignorance as it is out of context and at times, totally erroneous.   And it is folks just like these that sit in the pews week after week and unknowingly abet the false prophets as they weave their private agendas.  Scripture preached interwoven with lies and error is DEATH.  I am willing to bet that not one of the folks that we sat next to in church has any idea what is really the goal of their leaders and their leaders in turn.  The truth is I don’t think they care!  They are cleverly pitted one against the other in an intra-church popularity contest that totally distracts them from what is truly going on.  And they sit there, vying for the attention of “the chosen ones” of the hierarchy of the church instead of protecting their very souls and spirits.  We only get one shot at this people.  And if you get this one wrong…it will cost you your eternity with the Father.  You better decide what you believe, what it is based on, and if it is truth that lines up with the “Holy Spirit” inspired truth and infallibility of the WORD of GOD.  Isn’t it time that you quit playing Christian and playing church?  Isn’t it time you invested time and study of the Word in yourself?  You better know where you are being lead and by whom!!! 

We serve the King of the universe.  He sent His Son to atone for our sins and thereby giving us back our contact with our Heavenly Father!!  Any man or woman that would put their own interpretation of the Holy and true Word of God is a fool.  For them to preach anything other than the Word as it is written, is for a self motivated reason for some foolish and personal gain whether real or imagined for them.  So ask yourselves today.  Are your really following the King or just a Fool that claims to be of His court?  You better get this one right.  Your ETERNAL life depends on it!!

Last lecture…I promise.  From now on I will offer you proof positive of the number of Fools out there vying for your souls.  Now if they are not serving THE King…who are they really serving and do you want to be part of that unholy and already damned crowd?  If the Word they are getting is not from the Holy Spirit, then what spirit are they listening to.  Remember, it can cost you your eternal soul if you get this one wrong.  Eternity is really a long time.

Blessings….Patti and Dave

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