Wednesday, May 25, 2011

RICK WARREN-Driving People From God With His Purpose!

There are times while I am researching books and ministries that I become so angry that I have to leave the computer and go and pray.  I cannot understand why some people are so “hell bent”, pardon the pun, on betraying the church and Jesus Himself.  It would seem that if you believe in anything enough to take it to the people around you, then you should be able to stand up and take full responsibility for your actions.  And yet so many of these men and women have people all round them that will deny that any evil intent was intended and they are back to talking about their dear Jesus again.  But as soon as the heat dies down, they are right back at it.  The true shame is that these false prophets aren’t even concerned that members of their “following” will start to investigate them.  They know that those who are following them have become followers of man and not Christ.  Being around these churches is like listening to our politicians hand out their snow jobs!!  Truth has become passé for these people.  To me, if someone wants to put a new spin on any topic, whether it is the Bible, or Jesus, or God, or trees, or gnats, or Global Warming, good for them.  Good for them.  But why do they always have the need to get the approval of millions of others to justify their existence?  And why is it so easy for them to do so?  I don’t know who I find more frustrating.  Those shepherds who lead the parade or those who join in the parade!  Has everyone in this world become so complacent that they can no longer look into what is directing and determining their lives?  Where did we come by this blind trust we display?  People lose millions of dollars each day by being taken in by fraud.  They take the easy way out.  They want instant gratification and a way to get rich quick.  The same behavior is apparent when it comes to their spiritual lives.  They want a church that tells them they are wonderful.  They never sin.  God loves everyone and there is no hell.  They want a church that will tell them how to prosper.  They want to be told how to” have life and have it more abundantly”.  They want the church to justify their lifestyle so they don’t have to make any changes in the way they live or the sin they may be living in.  They want to be someone.  They want to be known by men.  They want to go to church on Sunday, hear a quick and positive sermon and get on with their lives.  Does living in what used to be one of the richest and most democratic places on earth have to result in being spoiled to the point of mass ignorance?  I truly want to say no to that question.  But the facts are proving otherwise.  Souls and spirits are dying here and around the world because of false doctrine being bought hook, line, and sinker!  Once again I say, in order for these men to preach the false doctrine they do and in order for them to get rich from your money and time, they have to have an audience.  If everyone would invest a little time in their own souls and salvation, and get to really know the TRUE Word of God, then they would stand up and leave these churches and these false prophets preaching the “doctrines of devils”!!!  It would make it impossible for the enemy to use these men and women to pull you away from God.  These people need an audience as does the devil.  How about we just don’t give them one okay?
 I am going to lay out some pretty revealing things about Mr. Rick Warren and where his heart and mind really are and it is not with Jesus or even with his followers.  This guy is in it for personal gain and adoration.  He sees himself fulfilling the prophecy of a “One world religion.”  He, and the New Apostolic Reformation, is in a state of need for reform.  He and others compare themselves to Martin Luther.  There is a big difference, Martin Luther was fighting for the truth of the gospel, not trying to change and put a new spin on it like these heretics. Luther was not trying to justify himself by twisting scripture to meet his own needs.  Not trying to place himself and his intentions in the Bible.  He had no personal agenda and sought no personal gain.  He only sought truth!
 Here is a statement made by Mr. Rick Warren back in May 23, 2005.  He was speaking at the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.  Here is what he said.  “The word ‘fundamentalist’ actually comes from a document in the 1920’s called the Five Fundamentals of Faith.  And it is a very legalistic and narrow view of Christianity.”  The five fundamental of faith that Mr. Rick Warren objected to are;
  • The inerrancy and full authority of the Bible
  • The virgin birth and full Deity of Christ
  • The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead
  • Christ atoning, vicarious death for the sins of the world
  • The literal second coming of Jesus Christ
The very foundation of Christianity is contained in these five principals.  Mr. Warren is being disingenuous.  He does not want to start from scratch and build his own empire, but he is satisfied to steal the already existing church of Jesus Christ.  Sadder yet, the church is allowing it.  Every time someone complies with and agrees with this false doctrine it not only affects them, but others they pass it onto.  There will be judgment for this.  Jesus said that if we hurt one of His own, there is a deep price to pay.  Matthew 18:6 (KJV)
6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
The truth is that Rick Warren is not a leader.  He is a follower.  He has followed the teachings of many men but his ego will not allow him to mention or give credit to them for what he says.  His first fascination was with Robert Schuller, the man in the Crystal Cathedral.  This man who started his church preaching from the roof of a concession stand at an outdoor theater into the speakers that folks put on their car windows just as if they were at the outdoor, was a follower of and fascinated by Norman Vincent Peale.  Schuller purchased this old outdoor theater with plans to erect his church there.  The concept was so novel and clever that it drew thousands.  It took no time at all for the Crystal Cathedral to be built.  I often wonder if the people that attended Schuller’s church were truly interested in his message, or if it was just the novelty itself that drew them.  Schuller’s guru, as I said, was Norman Vincent Peale.  Norman’s claim to fame was “the power of positive thinking” that bares a striking resemblance to the teachings of the Christian Scientists and is nothing less than hyped New Age teaching.  In fact the New Age movement encourages the reading of the works of Norman Vincent Peale, and of making the Christian Science Reading Rooms your new library.  All of these men are part of a pattern.  Monkey see monkey do, but “I’ll do it better than you”.  The problem with all these “works” is that they sing of man and the works of the flesh.  Their focus is not on Jesus Christ and Him crucified and the miraculous work done on the Cross.  The following is a list of things that Rich Warren has come up with to unify all denominations.  He of course references another man’s thinking and ideas, Mac Dominick who has written a book called “Outcome Based Religion”.  But Warren in his  book, “The Purpose Driven Church” gives the following ideas that each church can tailor to the needs of their individual churches.  The problem being that in the end, all that embrace these “not so new” ideas, will become “Warrenites” with one “purpose” and it will lead, if Warren has his way, to a one world religion, HIS religion.  It will never be of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.  (Its like my husband starting a church and calling it "The Church of Dave").  And yet people are following this man without doing the one thing that the Word of God cautions us all about and that is to “test the spirits” to make sure that they are not seducing spirits.  To me, anything that focuses on man and works of the flesh is not of God nor inspired by the Holy Spirit.  Here are the focuses of the Purpose Driven Church. They are so self serving and so obviously a drawing away from the Word of God that they are nothing less than evil in their intent.  Many of the statements below are absolutely New Age in their thinking and an insult to the one, true, and living God. 
  • Perception must be changed from viewing people as “saved” or “lost” to “churched” and “unchurched”.
  • Find out what impresses the unchurched in your community and do it.
  • Bring in popular “heros” to attract the multitudes.
  • Use the successful principles of retailing; accessibility, surplus, parking, inventory, service, visibility, and good cash flow.
  • Pastors should model themselves after businessmen and plan strategically.
  • “Do not preach expository sermons, you have to win them and build relationships”
  • Move from a “theocentric” approach to ministry to a “human needs” approach.
  • We must begin to say “I am not trying to convert any other religious people to my viewpoint.”
  • There is no need for one to recognize his personal sin, no need for repentance, no need for the crucifixion of self.
  • The Christ Spirit dwells in every human being.
  • Christ was self-esteem incarnate.
  •  Nothing exists except God.
  • The most destructive thing that can be done to a human being is to tell him that he is a sinner.
  • Sin is a single act or thought that robs oneself or another of his or her self-esteem.
I was also shocked to learn of just how deep into New Age thinking and the building of the flesh Robert Schuller is.  I, probably just like many of you, thought for years that this was a true lover and follower of Jesus Christ.  A striking man high in his pulpit dressed in his Sunday best vestments preaching the Word, looking quite striking and regal.  But, at that time I was a “passive” Christian, and a crowd follower.  Praise God that the Holy Spirit lifted me out of that complacency!!  I hope that through these blogs, he lifts you out as well. 
I have become equally shocked to learn of the constant parade of men and women, who the world thought were of God and followers of His Word, that have appeared on and have been regular guests on TBN.  It is the largest, and one of the most watched Christian networks in the world.  Millions of people worldwide contribute to this dead work called TBN, millions of dollars each year. TBN continues to this day to give air time to the likes of the New Apostolic Reformation, to the Purpose Driven Church movement, to the Oneness movement, and to the Word of Faith movement.  All of these movements are “movements of man" and not the workings of the Holy Spirit.  All are based on twisted scripture and works of the flesh.  Paul Crouch was called on this back in the 90’s and his response was so ugly that I had to put a transcript of his tirade in a previous blog.  All of these movements speak of a “paradigm shift” away from the “faith of our fathers”.  In reality, it is a shift away from God and a shift towards the works of man.  BUT, all of these churches go through the motions of being a church.  They gather, praise (if you can call some of that “head banging” noise praise).  They, oh to be sure, collect tithes, and do non- effective altar calls.  For many that are ignorant of the Word of God and yet through society and what it calls “religion” can walk into one of these churches and think they are just fine in that place and fall in line with whatever is being preached just like a bunch of zombies.  If you feel for one moment that we are talking to or about you…don’t just sit there and be duped, and much worse yet be lead away from the Message of the Cross, get up and leave that place and find one that teaches the true Word of God.  I admit that it becoming quite a task in these last days!
Another person that Rick Warren is a fan of and quotes often is Bernie Siegel.  Now to the people listening to Rick speak in glowing terms of this successful physician it seems harmless enough.  But if they knew that this man Bernie Siegel was a devout follower of the New Age, what would they think then?  Would they wonder why a so-called Christian is singing the praises of a man that could not be farther from God?  Would they question that he is quoting a man that believes in the tenets that New Age teaches and that is that all of us are a part of the physical God?  That Christ as God is in all of us.  That we are all in fact God?  If they knew the Word of God they would be furious.  Jesus warns of these false prophets who will come in His name, claiming to be Him.  Rick Warren teaches and believes that we all are indeed God to the extent that we are a part of “His fabric”.  New Age teaches that it would be like taking a giant magnifying glass to God and discovering that we all can be found on Him.  Part of us might be found in His eye lids, or part of His hands, or found on one of the hairs on His legs. Just as one can take a look under a microscope and see the friendly bacteria that lives on each of us.  What a base comparison of almighty God.  It is blasphemous in its very teaching.  However this is how the New Age justifies that we are all God.  And therefore we are all Christ too.  This is what Jesus was referring to.  Although men have appeared over the centuries actually claiming to be Jesus incarnate, this New Age teaching is a much more subtle and deceiving way of saying “I am Christ”.  All of the things that we just thought would occur in the end times, and that they would be happening way past our time on earth are actually here today!!  We are living in the end times and we all better wake up and smell the stench of deception!!
Rick Warren mentioned Bernie Siegel in chapter three of his book, The Purpose Driven Life.  He referenced Bernie as a person having “hope” and a true sense of “purpose”.  In this book Warren also made a reference to Isaiah and Job saying that they were “hopeless” men “without God”.  He accomplished this by giving his twisted view of scripture and by quoting “half scripture”.  This is the well know technique of all false religions, deceptive movements, and false prophets.  They go through all the translations of the Bible that they can get their hands on until they find just what suits their needs.  And in Rick Warren’s case this is a way of life for him.  In the endnotes of Warren’s book, the Purpose Driven Life, he shows fifteen different translations that  used to drive home his points.  (We consider the King James Version the only literal translation of the literal text and yet the other translations (fourteen in Warren’s case) are translations from the Westcott and Hort texts which used the corrupted Alexandrian text which has been further corrupted by liberal’s personal agendas and broad paraphrasing.  King James commissioned only scholars of his day that were students of Greek and Hebrew translations.  There was no “religious agenda” in the translation.  It was a pure and simple translation that was borne out ages later upon the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls.)  If all of these translations cannot drive home a point for Warren, he picks up his favorite Bible, a purely New Age Bible, and that is called “The Message Bible”.  This is NOT, as some might think, a harmless and clarifying paraphrasing of the true Word of God.  It is seducing in its language and misleading in its intent.  If you are using this so-called Bible, burn it!!
In Warren’s mind, most if not all characters in the Bible are simple minded losers.  In his book the Purpose Driven Life, he points this out in his opinion of Isaiah and Job.  He quotes Isaiah as he says that Isaiah complained, “I have labored to no purpose, I have spent my strength in vain and for nothing.” Job said, “my life drags by day after hopeless day and I give up.  I am tired of living.  Leave me alone.  My life makes no sense.”  Through using this “half quote” of Isaiah, Warren makes the statement that this life without purpose was a tragedy. He also gives a half quote of scripture in reference to Job as well.   Isaiah and Job’s lives were not without purpose and most certainly not without God.  It simply was their flesh speaking.  I have come home from work and flopped on my couch after a bad day and said worse than that.  But it was just the flesh venting and nothing more.  Warren also states that the greatest tragedy in life is not death but a life without purpose.  I beg to differ.  The greatest tragedy in life is falling in love with yourself and the sound of your own voice spewing your own self created wisdom.  It is pushing Jesus Christ out of your life with the exception of when you can use Him.  It is praising man instead of God.  It is leading man astray and having him follow you to satisfy your own insatiable ego driven purposes. 
Warren also refers to the church as “the force”.  In the Unity Church, which is strictly a New Age church, the celebration of the “force” is tantamount to God.  A cross is not hung behind the pulpit but a large round disc with wings attached as the focus of “force” for all who attend a service.  (If you have ever seen the wings that the Air Force wears on their uniforms, you can envision the “Force” emblem.)  There is no praising or worshiping, there is no discussion of God other than the embracing of the god in us all.  Of course they will take your money to support the furthering of their cause.  And there is always a time for deep meditation and humming.  I marveled when the Star Wars series of movies came out and they constantly greeted everyone with the saying, “may the force be with you.”  What an indoctrination of our kids back then, huh?  But I digress here.  When are we going to train our minds to hear these key words that these false men of God say? 
I had mentioned before how men of Warren’s caliber always had a staff of people to bail them out if someone was actually listening.  A listener that heard Rick Warren on some talk show and contacted his office regarding the comments he made about the five points that I laid out earlier and was put in contact with a staff member.  Suddenly, according to one of his quick thinking staff members what he REALLY said was that there is much more to the bible and Jesus than these five statements allow for.  He is a devout follower of Christ and always has been.  Pure schmoozing and lies. 
 I think that the things that I have written about make that statement about Warren a lie.  The things that I have written are not just the ravings of an angry Christian, but things that I have read about and that can be substantiated by fact.  And because these people that are working for him lie to protect him they too know what he and they are doing.  It is just more smoking mirrors, slight of hand, and deception!  It is like they think there is no God and He doesn’t hear what is going on.  God is not a fool nor will he be mocked! Galatians 6:6-8 (KJV) 6 Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. 7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. 8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.  Why do these men bring the “world” and a false gospel into their churches if they are all about Jesus?  Why teach New Age in your church that denies His deity and gives that deity to you?!  Galatians 1:6-9 (KJV) 6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: 7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. 9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. And better yet, why do you embrace these teachings.  You say you don’t.  If you are part of this church movement, yes you do!

New Age is a counterfeit in itself and has the devil at its helm.  Seducing spirits direct its upward movement.  1 Timothy 4:1 (KJV) 1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
The New Age appears tame and tolerant on the surface.  As I told you before in previous blogs, I was a member in good standing in the New Age Movement.   I was looking for something other than “religion” when I turned from the Catholic Church to New Age.  I found acceptance.  Whatever and whomever I wanted to believe in was just fine with the movement.  But after years of reading and studying in the reading rooms, I found nothing that was not a counterfeit of what Jesus Christ was all about.  All that the New Age teaches, all that they do, all that they say they believe in is just a counterfeit of what Christ taught.  There is nothing new.  There is nothing different.  And if it were not for God they would have nothing to talk about or distort in the first place!!  There is a huge similarity with how New Ager’s receive their revelation and how the modern day, so called prophets, receive theirs.  They get a revelation from god.  I did not capitalize the word God here because what they hear doesn’t line up with scripture and therefore it is not from God Himself, but a seducing spirit!!  That is why the Word tells us to “test the spirits”. 1 John 4:1-6 (KJV) 1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: 3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. 4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 5 They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. 6 We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.
 It is clearly the devil trying to be God.  An endeavor that got him cast down to earth in the first place.  And now he like all the other men and women that he whispers to, are trying to set up their kingdom on earth in the name of God.  However in the spiritual realm, the powers and principalities will not be overshadowed and replaced by delusional mere mortals.  Satan is the Prince of the air according to the Bible.  He has the ability, but the blood and name of Jesus gives us the authority over these powers of darkness.  But if you are following or are beguiled by these bogus religions and their teachers, you are not exercising your Christ given authority.  You are simply becoming a pawn in the dark plans of the evil one.  These powers of darkness that we Christians are told to fight against, will drag these men and women into Hell with them in the end.  Please, we implore you all, our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, do not be pulled with them into that tortuous and dark place known as Hell.  Don’t be deceived with “Purpose”!!!  Ask yourself this question.  Are you in a Purpose Driven church, or are you being driven from church on purpose?

Patti and Dave

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